Today’s Lesson: Nahum Warned of God’s Judgement

Session Title: Nahum Warned of God’s Judgment
Bible Passage: Nahum
Key Passage: Psalm 139:14
Big Picture Question:
 What makes people special? People are special because we are made in God’s image, as male and female, to know Him.
Christ Connection: Nahum went to the city of Nineveh to tell people God’s message. Nahum told the people, “Only God deserves to be worshiped. God punishes people who do wrong things. God has power over everything because He made everything.” God is good. He takes care of people who know and love Him. But the people in Nineveh did not know, love, or trust God. God was going to punish them. God’s message Nahum shared was bad news for the people of Nineveh, but it was good news for the people of God. They could worship God and obey Him.

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