How were the members of the Senior Pastor Search Committee (SPSC) chosen?

The SPSC members were chosen after an extensive process of receiving nominations from the TT, session and staff. A deliberate attempt was made to represent various demographics of our church, including age, life stage and gender. The SPSC also includes one male officer (Eric Choi, elder) and one female officer (Jen Song, deaconess). The SPSC is intentionally a small group, ideally fit to nimbly navigate and perform the heavy lifting of the pastoral search process. However, it should be noted that the SPSC does not hold ultimate authority to designate or bring on a senior pastor. As a subcommittee of the TT, it reports to the TT regularly, and oversight is provided by the session. The SPSC operates independently to the extent it facilitates and supports the recruitment initiatives of the session.

How experienced will the next senior pastor be?

Ideally, the senior pastor will have considerable experience in leading and pastoring a congregation. However, as we held numerous focus group meetings from April to June 2024, one of the recurrent and emerging themes was that congregants wanted a balance of pastoral experience and youthful energy in our senior pastor to shepherd us through this new season in CCSC’s spiritual growth and discipleship.

What qualities and strengths are you considering when choosing the next senior pastor?

The ideal candidate will prioritize sound reformed doctrine and gospel-centered preaching in an approachable and understandable manner, while demonstrating an ability to shepherd, disciple and develop leaders within the church. Ultimately, as CCSC seeks to see gospel changed lives through Christ, community and compassion, the senior pastor would execute a vision of shepherding leaders to joyously focus their ministries to outward and missional growth.

Will potential candidates guest speak at our church?

Yes, one of the manners in which potential senior pastor candidates will be evaluated by the TT, SPSC, session and staff will be through opportunities to preach at one of our Sunday services.

What is the timeline for selecting and onboarding the senior pastor?

The senior pastoral search process can take anywhere from 6-24 months. However, CCSC is committed to waiting to find the best candidate that best fits the culture and community of our church.

How frequently will updates be provided on the search process?

The cadence of updates will remain on a monthly basis. However, depending on where we are along the recruitment process, updates may be more frequent. Congregants will also find, on a regular basis, updates on the church website.

How can congregation members provide input or feedback during the search process?

Congregants are encouraged to reach out to any member of the Transition Team (TT) or the Senior Pastor Search Committee (SPSC) to provide feedback and suggestions for potential candidates. Contact can be made directly with any committee member, through this link or by emailing info@christcentralsc.com.