Meet the Transition Team

The Transition Team (TT)  was created to oversee the search process of the senior pastor for CCSC and is comprised of the following three subcommittees.

1. Senior Pastor Search Committee - this team is responsible for defining the senior pastor’s responsibilities and duties, gathering input from the congregation, and identifying suitable candidates for the position.

2. Operational - this team is responsible for maintaining the operations of the church during the process of searching for the senior pastor. These operations include Sunday service schedule, overseeing ministries, finances and logistics. 

3. Care - this team is responsible for welcoming and integrating the new senior pastor into the church community, as well as extending hospitality to guest speakers.


Eric Choi


Young Park


Rev. Jimmy Han

Family & Small Groups Pastor

Jenie Oh

Executive Director of Operations


Arlene Lee


Jeremy Choi

Young Adult Ministry

Phoebe Lee

Young Adult Ministry


Meet the Senior Pastor Search Committee


Eric Choi



Jennifer Yo


Philip Hwang

Small Group Leader

Jieun Kang

Young Adult Ministry