Today’s Lesson: God Provided for Ruth

Session Title: God Provided for Ruth
Bible Passage: Ruth 1-4
Key Passage: Romans 6:23
Big Picture Question: What is the fair payment for sin? The fair payment for sin is death.
Christ Connection: Boaz was a family redeemer. He helped his close relatives who were in trouble.
Boaz cared for Ruth and Naomi because their husbands had died. In a similar way, Jesus is our Redeemer. We need help because we sin. Jesus bought our salvation for us by taking our punishment when He died on the cross.

If your family has access to a printer, please feel free to print out these activity pages and do them together.

Toddlers/Lower Preschool - Activity Pages
Upper Preschool - Activity Pages
Younger Elementary - Activity Pages
Upper Elementary - Activity Pages

Christ Central Kids Praise Playlist