Today’s Lesson: God Stopped the Jordan River

Session Title: God Stopped the Jordan River
Bible Passage: Joshua 3-4
Key Passage: Psalm 119:105
Big Picture Question: What is the Bible? The Bible is God’s Word that tells us what is true about God and ourselves.
Christ Connection: God encouraged Joshua and promised to be with him as he led the Israelites into the promised land, where they would be victorious and find rest. We have victory over sin and rest for our souls in Jesus, who is with us always and leads us into the promised land of God’s kingdom.

If your family has access to a printer, please feel free to print out these activity pages and do them together.

Toddlers/Lower Preschool - Activity Pages
Upper Preschool - Activity Pages
Younger Elementary - Activity Pages
Upper Elementary - Activity Pages

Christ Central Kids Praise Playlist