March 3, 2022
Dear CCSC,
Beginning March 13 Sunday, CCSC will no longer require masks indoors for all attendees regardless of vaccination status. To reflect local and national COVID-19 policies, CCSC will follow the policy of "masks recommended". This applies to both the Fullerton and Artesia campuses as well as all church activities and events, including small groups.
Until March 13 Sunday, there is no change to CCSC's current mask policy - all attendees ages 2 and up are required to mask indoors regardless of vaccination status.
As many of you are aware, mask mandates are being lifted with the decreasing numbers of COVID-19 cases and in California, schools will no longer require masks indoors starting March 12.
With the overall relaxing of the COVID-19 policies, CCSC will also cease to report every case of an exposure within our community. We continue to recommend ongoing testing (particularly for congregants that are considered "at-risk") given there are still cases locally as well as recently within our community. We also ask that you refrain from attending any church activity or event if you are not feeling well or have had a recent exposure.
In Him,
CCSC Session
February 19, 2022
Dear CCSC,
As you know, California ended its mask mandate for indoor public places earlier this week. We wanted to let you know that as of now, because children are regularly present in our worship services, and to be consistent with current guidelines, there is no change to CCSC's current mask policy. CCSC will continue to require all adults and children ages 2 and up to wear a mask indoors.
We recognize there are many challenges in seeking a balance between the safety of our church members, their personal preferences and the need to normalize life and worship. All of these factors are very important.
CCSC is committed to doing the difficult work of reassessing and providing church-wide policy decisions, in real time, based on the best available public health information. We know that national and state health organizations are seeking to provide further guidance on the mask mandate for children and schools in the coming weeks. When the school masking mandate is lifted, we anticipate CCSC will also lift its mask policy.
In the meantime, CCSC continues to offer online worship services (click here to request link). Do not be disheartened, as the Session and leadership are extremely grateful for the church’s cooperation and support through this difficult time.
For His glory,
CCSC Session
February 2, 2022
Dear CCSC,
Although the current wave of COVID-19 infections is demonstrating decreasing rates of infection, there remains a real, local presence of cases, as CCSC continues to see cases within our community. In this stage of the pandemic, complete avoidance of COVID-19 exposures during our worship gatherings is impossible. CCSC appreciates when attendees, who test positive, report their statuses with us, as this allows us to best serve you.
CCSC is aware of cases of asymptomatic attendees testing positive to COVID-19 after this past Sunday’s worship. Given the nature of our worship services, it is difficult to perform contact tracing; thus, CCSC has taken the stance of dutifully reporting to the church whenever positive cases are made known to us. In response, we encourage you to obtain testing, particularly if one is concerned about these potential exposures.
We regularly pray for the health and safety of our church, and with this concern, we continue to offer online worship services, the link to which can be requested at
CCSC COVID Strategic Committee
January 24, 2022
Dear CCSC,
Although we have yet to gather in person in the new year, you are always in our hearts and prayers. Providentially, the number of COVID-19 infections appear to be plateauing, and we are eager to resume in-person worship services and gatherings.
This Sunday, January 30th, we will resume in-person worship services at both Fullerton and Artesia, while still offering livestream on a sign-up basis (click here to sign-up for livestream).
Additionally, effective today, we will resume all in-person church events and activities, such as small groups and indoor/outdoor gatherings.
We will continue to require all attendees (including kids ages 2 and up) to wear a mask indoors.
More than ever before, we affirm the immeasurable value of worshiping and gathering in person, as there is no greater blessing than being in the presence of God with His people, and for that reason, we hope to see you again in person!
In Christ,
CCSC Session & Pastors
January 10, 2021
Dear CCSC,
We hope your Christmas was a wonderful time to remember our Savior’s birth and a blessed time with family.
As you are aware, the Omicron variant of COVID-19 is now the dominant form of infection in the US. Unfortunately, CCSC was not spared and there were a number of infections and exposures within our community. Some of our sister churches have already moved to virtual formats in response to rising numbers.
As a result, we will temporarily move to a virtual-only format for both the adult and educational ministries for the next two Sundays (Jan 16 and 23). During that time, all other in-person church-related activities (indoors and outdoors) are suspended as well. We will re-evaluate after these two weeks.
For the next two Sundays, CCSC will provide a livestream, virtual-only worship service at 10 am and Christ Central Kids will continue its Family Worship video this Sunday – both can be found on our YouTube channel and our website. Next Sunday, our education ministries plan to transition to a livestream format and details will be provided in a separate communication from our Education Staff.
Unfortunately, this also means that we will not be participating in the in-person New Year’s Eve joint service with our sister church, Cerritos Presbyterian Church.
As always, we are recommending that you get tested given these circumstances, and please seek medical attention if you are exhibiting any symptoms.
If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to reach out to us.
In Him,
CCSC Elders
*Please read this important COVID-19 update and click here for a video message from Pastor Harold*
August 28, 2021
Dear CCSC,
Just four weeks ago, we notified you of a COVID-19 exposure to our church. Although that initial exposure resulted in no known cases of transmission, unfortunately, we were notified this week of another separate, but significant, exposure to our church. In both cases, it involved significant portions of our staff, pastors and lay leaders. Our COVID Strategic Committee (per our policies and procedures) asked those involved to quarantine and obtain testing.
Although breakthrough cases and exposures, in the midst of a Delta variant wave, are not particularly surprising, it incurs a significant toll on the other staff, pastors and lay leaders who faithfully step up and serve in greater capacities. Given this, we collectively realized that carrying out worship services in-person has become unsustainable, and in the short-term, not a viable option. We simply do not have the manpower to make in-person services happen.
The COVID Strategic Committee in conjunction with the entire staff and pastors came to the difficult decision that starting this Sunday, in-person worship services are suspended for the next four Sundays (with the option to prolong, if necessary). During that time, all other in-person church-related activities (indoors and outdoors) are suspended as well.
CCSC will continue to provide a livestream, virtual-only worship service on Sundays at 10 am. The CCSC Kids Family Worship videos will also continue. Both can be found on our YouTube channel and our website.
What this hiatus achieves is to allow the staff and volunteers to rest and recover, while we assess the trajectory of this 4th wave. This was a very difficult, agonizing decision. The CCSC leadership wants to make it absolutely clear that it was not one single person, ministry or event that led to this unfortunate decision. But rather, it was the emergent realization, all factors considered, that a brief hiatus would be most wise. Although in the early months of the pandemic, we adopted a “one step behind early adopters” strategy in returning to in-person services, in this situation, we find ourselves in the unenviable and unavoidable position of being one of the first to return to a virtual-only worship service.
We do not know what the Lord has in store for us in the short-term, but we trust in the steadfast love, undeserved graces and promised blessings of the One we call our Father and King. As we experience difficulties together, we equally experience His guaranteed measures of providence.
In His steadfast love,
CCSC Elders and Pastors
As of: September 15, 2020
Dear Christ Central,
We are very excited to update you! After researching a variety of options for in-person Sunday worship services that fall within our Session’s guiding principles and government regulations, we are currently putting the final touches on a drive-in worship service which will include communion.
In addition to continuing our current Sunday online worship service, this in-person option allows us to safely regather to experience worshiping together in person again while partaking in the Lord’s Supper as a church community. Although certain elements of this drive-in service will remain virtual and pre-recorded, the Lord’s Supper will be administered live by our pastors and elders with proper safety precautions.
We are anticipating a launch date sometime this Fall after several weeks of test runs involving a closed group of staff and leaders. When the drive-in service officially launches, an RSVP system will be implemented as space will be limited. Further details about the drive-in service will be communicated in the upcoming weeks.
Lastly, we want to look back and give thanks for our members, ministries, and the many ways God has sustained our church thus far this season. Many in our Christ Central community have stepped up to give and serve behind the scenes in order to bless others during these difficult times. The Word of God continues to be proclaimed and heard by the power of the Holy Spirit with an expanded reach through our online platforms. And our appreciation and affection for our fellowship in Christ has grown immeasurably.
We miss you dearly and are praying for you unceasingly. We look forward to seeing you at our drive-in worship service.
Pastor Daniel “Dinko” Kim, Artesia Campus Pastor
Pastor Daniel Penn Kim, Fullerton Campus Pastor
As of: May 24, 2020
As of: April 5, 2020
During this time of crisis, we desire to be a church community that lives out our vision more than ever before. Here are some ways each of us can show compassion and mercy to those in our church community as well as our local community:
Small Business Directory
We have compiled a list of businesses owned and operated by our Christ Central community at Please support them by purchasing take-out or delivery for food businesses, and gift cards for other businesses. If you would like to be included in this directory, please fill out this form.
PPE Kits
We have a limited supply of PPE (ie. masks and latex gloves) that we want to provide to those in our Christ Central community who work on the front line and/or are higher risk (over the age of 65, elderly living in a nursing home or long-term care facility, or people of any age that have an underlying medical condition as set forth by the CDC). We are also accepting donations of masks and other PPE. To schedule a donation or a pick-up, please email Please note these kits will be available only until supplies last.
Offering & Tithes
A portion of our offering during Easter season (4/6-4/18) will be dedicated to COVID-19 relief efforts in our local community. Click here to give now.
Local Charities
To donate directly to a local charity that we have partnered with, please see the graphic below to find out how you can help (click to enlarge). You can also click on the links below to go to their websites.
As of: March 25, 2020
Dearest Christ Central community,
Absence makes the heart grow fonder! We miss seeing everyone in-person and look forward to our reunion while we continue to pray for this global pandemic, those impacted and each other.
Until further notice, in compliance with the current government orders, all in-person church activities continue to be suspended or have been canceled, including this summer’s Summer Missions Support Teams.
During this time, we will continue certain church activities online such as Sunday worship services, small groups/discipleship groups, classes, monthly prayer meetings, and Youth and College Friday nights.
We’re thankful that the most recent government guidelines permit churches to gather to provide worship services through technology so this week, we will continue having a small team of people meet in-person to record our Sunday worship service while ensuring everyone practices social distancing.
We are also finding creative ways to stay connected with you and to serve our community and our neighbors. To stay updated with the latest Christ Central news and events, you can sign-up for our weekly e-newsletter at or follow us on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Spotify.
If you are in need of prayer or support during this time, please let us know by reaching out to any Pastor, Elder, Staff member, submitting a request on or by emailing
Here are some helpful links and resources for those seeking assistance at this time:
As of: March 12, 2020 (evening)
At tonight’s Session meeting, Pastor Harold opened with a devotional on Matthew 6:31-34. While we are mindful of and carefully monitoring the current coronavirus situation, we also desire to be a church community that is not anxious or fearful about tomorrow, but acts out of love and confidence in Christ.
We continue to be committed to planning and preparing out of careful consideration for the safety and well being of our community both within and outside of our church.
In light of today’s developments, starting now until the end of March:
Christ Central will not be having in-person worship services at both campuses for the next 3 Sundays (March 15, 22 and 29). Instead, Sunday worship service will be available online at or on our YouTube channel.
Small Groups/Discipleship Groups, Youth Ministry and College Ministry meetings along with all other church-related activities are temporarily suspended.
For this Sunday (March 15), the worship service will be available online starting from 10 am on Sunday. We hope you will join us, especially during this uncertain time, as we experience a different way of worshipping together as a community.
For all church-related activities beyond March, including Good Friday, Easter and SMSTs, we will continue to monitor the situation and determine what further actions may be necessary.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation and love for the church. Although we are temporarily suspending our in-person activities, we ask that you make every effort to stay connected with one another by praying for and checking-in on each other. Let’s also keep praying for those who are most vulnerable and impacted as well as health care professionals and our governing leaders.
If you are in need of prayer or support during this time, please let us know by reaching out to any Pastor, Elder, Staff member or by emailing
Please continue to check this page for future updates.
As of: March 12, 2020 (afternoon)
With continuing concerns over COVID-19 and the recent recommendations from Governor Newsom and the California Department of Public Health, Christ Central’s leadership would like to reassure everyone that our first priority is ensuring and maintaining the safety and well-being of our entire Christ Central community. We are committed to prayerfully making wise, informed decisions based on guidance from the CDC, WHO, and other public health and governmental agencies as well as other local churches and public and private organizations.
While there are confirmed cases of COVID-19 in California, we are not currently aware of any known cases among the Christ Central community as well as our sister church Cerritos Presbyterian Church. However, we want to do our part to help minimize exposure.
Christ Central’s Session will be meeting tonight to discuss plans for:
Sunday worship services at both campuses
Our three core ministries that meet regularly - Small Groups/Discipleship Groups, Youth Ministry (including Youth’s summer retreat), and College Ministry
Good Friday service
Summer Missions Support Teams (SMSTs)
All other church-related events and activities are either canceled or suspended until further notice.
As a reminder, you can listen to our sermons online or on our YouTube channel. Also, we are actively working on our live streaming capabilities and will let you know as soon as it is set-up.
For all future updates, please check this page. If you have any questions, please contact
We sincerely ask for your prayers and thank you for your cooperation.
As of: March 4, 2020
We know many of you have been paying close attention to recent news over the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and the advisories issued by the CDC and other public health agencies. We want to let you know that like many of you, Christ Central’s leadership has been closely and actively monitoring this developing situation as your health and safety are our priority.
At this time, the CDC have stated that:
For the general American public, who are unlikely to be exposed to COVID-19 at this time, the immediate health risk is considered low.
COVID-19 is not currently spreading in the community in the United States.
Accordingly, as of now, there are no current plans to cancel or suspend our normal Sunday service schedule and other church activities until further notice.
To help do our part to raise awareness and address concerns over the spread of the virus, we would like to remind and encourage everyone to take the routine measures outlined below to help reduce the risk of getting sick. We highly urge everyone to do their part in following these simple and basic guidelines.
We will continue to closely monitor the situation and update the church as necessary through email, our website and social media (as applicable). In the meantime, we ask that you join our Christ Central leadership in praying for those around the world affected by this and for each other. If you have any questions, please contact
As part of your normal routine in exercising proper hygiene, please remember to wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and/or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing no less than 60% alcohol.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
Avoid contact with sick people (if at all possible).
Avoid or limit close personal contact, such as touching or shaking hands.
Make sure to cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue (if at all possible) and discard in a trash can. Try to avoid coughing into your hands.
If you are experiencing respiratory symptoms such as a fever, coughing, or difficulty breathing, we encourage you to visit a physician and ask you to stay at home, join in our worship online, and return once you are symptom free. You can listen to our sermons online at or on YouTube.
For more information and resources, please visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (click here) and the World Health Organization (click here).